- Loughborough office
01509 268 931
Child Arrangements Orders
When a relationship breaks down it is tough on the parents, but the hidden victims can be the children - unless great care is taken to minimise the effects upon them. Other family members can also find their relationship with the children badly affected, as links are untied and separation occurs.
It is now expected that parents will make arrangements between themselves as to the time the child spends with each parent. However, Child Arrangements Orders can be made if all else fails, to specify the practical arrangements for a child in seeing or living with each parent. It is expected that parents will arrange a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting in advance of considering Court proceedings to attempt to resolve these issues. We have links with local mediation services to assist with this process.
Other extended family members may also need advice on where they stand, if they find they are alienated from their young relative. If court proceedings are necessary, the court will consider matters such as the nature of their relationship with the child and the effect of any application upon the child, before granting leave to apply for a court order.
Legal Aid is still available for matters concerning children in limited circumstances (such as where there has been domestic violence or a child is at risk).